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  • Steven Invades for the PP4S Project

    Grade 11 student, Steven has released his game project Invader on the Pascal Programming for Schools (PP4S for short) website for others to learn from. He has used Lazarus and JEDI-SDL for graphics and to make use of the keyboard and mouse input and music playback features for this game.

    As with all PP4S submissions posted to the website, all source code is provided along with instructions to use and set it up. For further lessons on Pascal programming you can go to the PP4S website here or for lessons on SDL you can go to the FreePascal-meets-SDL website here for in depth tutorials.

    Pascal Programming for Schools and FreePascal Meets SDL are both affiliate websites of ours and we can vouch for their informative nature and the quality of their material and resources.

    You can get Steven's Invader game project with full Lazarus source at www.pp4s.co.uk.
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. Matthias's Avatar
      Matthias -
      I tried and like the game, quite addictive, my best score around 400 . Would make a very nice iPad game. A suggestion though, when you get assimilated, the score should be drawn to the screen because otherwise you might not be aware of the exact score.

      Good job though!