We have 2 judges for this one and we will have their specs by the time the big starting day announcement will be posted.
It's going to be a lot of fun. There is lots of possibilities from the theme I've picked and I hope you will have fun with it.
All game entries must be made using a Pascal-based programming language or they will be disqualified. The game can take advanatage of any game library or API written in another language, but the core of the game must be written in a Pascal-based language.
Allowed Pascal-based Languages:
- Pascal (aka Classic Pascal, Borland Pascal, etc)
- Object Pascal (called "Delphi language" by some)
- Objective-Pascal
- Oxygene (new language based on Object Pascal)
Key Development tools that support the above languages:
- Delphi
- Free Pascal
- Lazarus
- Prism (Oxygene for .NET)
- Oxygene for Java
- Smart Mobile Studio
To be scored both judges need to support the platform you have submitted the game for.
Platforms judges can both support are:
- Windows
- Mac OS X
- Java byte-code (created by Oxygene for Java)
- HTML5/JavaScript (created by Smart Mobile Studio)
Full details will be announced on the start date right here on the PGD community website!
Russian translated announcement on Russian IGDC website!
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