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  • VGScene on the iPad

    It seems that other platforms than Windows are growing in popularity for Pascal game and tool developers. Eugene Kryukov develops VGScene which is a set of components for Delphi, C++ Builder and Lazarus which helps to speed up the development of the graphical design of your applications. He has recently been inspired by the latest iOS SDK to get his components working on the iPad. Having already added iPhone functionality to his library, it is now finally iOS ready. The components aren't cheap, they go for $189 US Dollars, but they are very robust and packed with features.

    KSDev also offers DXScene, a 3D hardware accelerated graphics library and their Flash Engine, a set of components which add extra features to Adobe Flash such as loading from sources, grabbing real 32-RGBA frames and transparency playing. All components and libraries support Delphi, C++ Builder and Lazarus and also support the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms.

    VGScene demonstration on the iPad

    You can read more about this high-end suite of interface components at his company website www.ksdev.com or follow his progress with his latest developments on his blog at ksdev.blogspot.com.
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. arthurprs's Avatar
      arthurprs -
      VERY impressive. I'm pretty sure it worth the value.