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  • Brian Long Does Some Game Dev at RemObjects

    Brian Long has been doing some blogging about game development related topics on the RemObjects blogs lately. It would seem that since the last PGD Challenge, game development may be on the minds of some of the people at the company.

    Since the announcement and recent super-funding of the newly popular OUYA gaming console, we can only hope that this will become a trend and more topics surrounding Android development with Object Pascal and Oxygene will continue to increase.

    Though we have had only two people take part in the RemObjects offer for a free copy of Oxygene for Java by simply using either Oxygene brand tools for their entry. Judging continues, but the source and binaries will be available on the new PGD Challenge showcase site when it goes live.

    Until then, all of you who want to do a little reading about best practices or learn to do some cool effects on the platform, here is a couple of blogs from Brian Long.

    Blogs from Brian Long of RemObjects: