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  • Lentil Wars Gets an AI Update

    The small team that has brought you Lentil Wars, the 2D "tabletop" multi-player shooter game, has just released version 1.1.0 for download. The update includes enhancements to the game opponents AI in multi-player and also "frag floaties" and other several enhancements. It is unfortunately not network compatible with versions 1.1.X.

    In this multi-player game, each player controls a "lentil" that's an M&M or a Reese's Pieces for those who don't have them in their country, and can arm them up with various different weapons. You can play over a LAN or the internet with up to five players. The game is inspired by a game called 'Bulanci' made by Czech developers.

    You can check out the new version or just have a play of it for the first time at lwars.sourceforge.net.