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  • 2nd PGD Challenge: Results Finally!

    Well it's about time!

    Yes here are the final scores for the 2nd PGD Challenge Competition: The Journey. Sorry for the extremely long delay in getting these scores put together. We'll be making sure that we avoid these sorts of delays in the future.

    Other than that the competition was another great success as we not only had more people try their hand at making a game in about a month's time-frame, but also we were able to introduce new tools and platforms to making games with Pascal-based languages.

    Special thanks to Jim McKeeth for not only being a judge this time around, but also for helping us talk to the CEO (Marc Hoffman) of RemObjects Software. A very big thanks to Marc for the offering up of the participation prizes for those that used Oxygene to make their games. Both Peter (pstudio) and Paul (Nicholls) took them up on this added challenge and will be getting themselves a fully licensed copy of Oxygene for Java each. Maybe they'll use this to create a game for the new OUYA (Android-based) gaming console?! Exciting!

    I also want to thank Smart Mobile Studio creator Jon Lennart for his hurried beta release of Smart Mobile Studio to be ready for the start of the PGD Challenge.

    And lastly, but not least-ly thanks again to Johannes Stein aka Stoney who has been a judge for the second time in a row for the PGD Challenge.

    So without further a due here are the results...

    Unfortunately one of the entries did not run for either of the judges. The Pros and Cons comments will become available from the judges soon.

    Congratulations to to all those that won the top 3 spots:

    1st Place: Paul Nicholls
    2nd Place: Eric Grange
    3rd Place: Jimmy Valavanis

    And great job to everyone that completed their entries. I hope you enjoyed the challenge theme!

    Comments 17 Comments
    1. Jimmy Valavanis's Avatar
      Jimmy Valavanis -
      Congratulations to all the participants and thanks to the judges for their work.
    1. User137's Avatar
      User137 -
      Grats for winners. I was afraid my soulless product would get higher than it did Now i'm relieved.
    1. LP's Avatar
      LP -
      Congratulations to the winners!

      Jason, would you mind giving a link to the participant's applications? I've tried to visit home page and even clicking on the images (which only shows them as attachments), but couldn't find a way to the official competition site.
    1. Cybermonkey's Avatar
      Cybermonkey -
      Congratulations Paul! I think that was the Oxygene game?
    1. de_jean_7777's Avatar
      de_jean_7777 -
      Congratulations to all!
    1. Daikrys's Avatar
      Daikrys -
      congrats to all guys that have participated
    1. azrael11's Avatar
      azrael11 -
      Good for you paul... bravo to all contests
    1. wodzu's Avatar
      wodzu -
      Quote Originally Posted by Lifepower View Post
      Congratulations to the winners!

      Jason, would you mind giving a link to the participant's applications? I've tried to visit home page and even clicking on the images (which only shows them as attachments), but couldn't find a way to the official competition site.

      Yeah, links to the applications would be quite useful. I want to try them
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      You all did great! I'm very happy to have finally gotten the scores up. I'm already thinking up what the 3rd Challenge could be.

      I'm just brushing up the showcase site so everyone will be able to play your games. I'll post in the news when it's up.

      And though it was disappointing to have not been able to play Momen 3D, it did look quite impressive from the development videos. Don't stop that from giving the challenges another go.

      I believe the main issue was the number of dependencies it took to get it running. Neither of the judges were able to get it working on their Linux setups.

      I may not have Linux as a platform in the next competition for this reason. Too much potential for these sorts of issues. I don't want to have people continually disappointed because their game didn't run. Windows and Mac are easier to develop for in this regard.
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      I can't believe I won this time! Boy it was close...
      Congrats to all the winners, and a huge thanks to RemObjects for the Oxygene for Java/.NET licenses, the judges and Jason McMillen (WILL) for organising the event!
    1. pstudio's Avatar
      pstudio -
      Quote Originally Posted by paul_nicholls View Post
      I can't believe I won this time! Boy it was close...
      Congrats to all the winners, and a huge thanks to RemObjects for the Oxygene for Java/.NET licenses, the judges and Jason McMillen (WILL) for organising the event!
      Congratulations Paul. Take a look here. Send me a pm if you're interested.

      I have one question about the scoring. If the maximum bonus points you can get i 5 points and War Trail (#2) got 76 points without bonus points how can it get a final score of 84 points? It doesn't make a difference in the final results but I thought I would just mention it

      And when will the judges comments be available? Hopefully soon doesn't equal soon as in "the judges results will soon be here"
    1. Ñuño Martínez's Avatar
      Ñuño Martínez -
      I'm a bit sad because my entry has no score. Anyway, I'm proud about it. I'll finish it, don't know when but I'll do it.

      Oh, Congratulations Paul.

      Quote Originally Posted by WILL View Post
      And though it was disappointing to have not been able to play Momen 3D, it did look quite impressive from the development videos. Don't stop that from giving the challenges another go.

      I believe the main issue was the number of dependencies it took to get it running. Neither of the judges were able to get it working on their Linux setups.
      Jim McKeeth asked me about it. He has problems installing Allegro but he didn't answer my mail. May be it was marked as SPAM because I put some links.
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      Quote Originally Posted by Ñuño Martínez View Post
      Jim McKeeth asked me about it. He has problems installing Allegro but he didn't answer my mail. May be it was marked as SPAM because I put some links.
      Yeah it sucks that both judges couldn't get your game to work. Made me think twice about including Linux as a platform in future challenges.

      Unfortunately not having something that will run can only be marked a 0.

      But don't let that discourage you. Just keep to the other platforms(Win/Mac, etc) and you'll do much much better! I saw your development videos.
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      Quote Originally Posted by pstudio View Post
      Congratulations Paul. Take a look here. Send me a pm if you're interested.
      LOL! Thanks pstudio, I had completely forgotten about those
      I will take a look and get back to you...
    1. Eric's Avatar
      Eric -
      Only just noticed! Congrats Paul!
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post
      Only just noticed! Congrats Paul!
    1. pstudio's Avatar
      pstudio -
      The Pros and Cons comments will become available from the judges soon.

      Will these be available? In my personal oppinion those comments will be more interesting to read than some numbers.