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  • RemObjects Announces Oxygene 5.2 and Nougat

    RemObjects made an announcement today presenting some of whats new with Oxygene 5.2 and the brand new compiler codenamed "Nougat!" This is the next biggest thing to come from the same company that was the first to "get .NET right" after the other company tried for so many years. This new compiler will allow you to port your existing Oxygene projects to Mac and iOS!

    Oxygene has been tearing up some new territory in the last few years and all with the concept of being 100% accurate and compatible to it's target platforms. Apps and programs generated in Oxygene are nearly indistinguishable from those made with C# and Java compilers designed to make programs for their own platforms. This trend started with .NET and later on Java byte code and now if their reputation is any indication, you'll see native Mac and iOS development from the next major release of the compiler.

    Have a look at the history of Object Pascal and how Oxygene fits into that here!

    From the RemObjects Announcement:
    "Nougat is currently in late Alpha and closed testing but will enter the beta phase probably in late September/early October, where it will be available to all pre-order customers of Oxygene 5.2, and all Suite Subscription for Xcode customers."

    You can read the Nougat announcement from RemObjects at www.remobjects.com!

    Also RemObjects is promoting their latest version of Oxygene 5.2 and the announcement of the Nougat project by having a great deal on all 3 major compilers (Oxygene for .NET, Oxygene for Java and Nougat!) for the bundle cost of $499. Which is actually a pretty awesome deal considering the cost of each compiler individually and the inclusion of the Nougat Beta and the final version when it comes available.

    You can check out their special pricing on their store page here!

    News Sources: Delphi Feeds, Twitter, RemObjects Website