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  • Site Hack Removed Finally! Updates Soon to Follow!

    Hello all! Thanks to the great work done by Christina Warne, aka AthenaOfDelphi, the nasty little hack that has plagued PGD for some time is now removed. Thus, we are no longer sullied by an add for some kind of random medications. Good riddance. As a follow-up to this little clean-up, we'll be doing another site software update in a short time from now.

    Thanks to all those that have been patient with us and for all those new members that didn't let that deter you from visiting and hanging out with us on the forums.

    The blogs are currently down, but once the update has gone through, I'm sure you'll be able to access them then.

    We will keep you informed via our news RSS syndication when we have finally updated the site and brought any missing features of the site back up and running again.

    UPDATE - I believe I've restored blog service since Jason wrote this so the site should be fully operational. If you are having any problems with it, please let me know using a PM. Athena

    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development
    Community Manager / Webmaster

    PGD News RSS Feed: http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com...s=120&count=10
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      Nice work guys!!
      Bet you are glad that little hiccup is now gone
    1. de_jean_7777's Avatar
      de_jean_7777 -
      Nice work.