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  • Tomb Climber II Released

    Eric Behm of Magic Storm just announced that he and his partner in crime has finally released the sequel to Tomb Climber. The Tomb Climber series follows Dr. Smith on his platformer adventures going underground from tomb to tomb looking for lost treasure.

    This new installment adds more features and a whole new set of updated graphics.

    The game was developed in Object Pascal with Embarcadero's Delphi and the Gen2 graphics tool.

    The game is currently being sold at Share-It but Digital River for 8.8 EUR or $12.88 USD. You can download and play a demo hosted at the Magic Storm website.

    In the developer's own words:

    "Dr. Smith is back! This time he needs to find all parts of an acient key, so this key does not get into wrong hands.
    The key has the power to conjure esoteric powers..."

    Try the Tomb Climber II shareware demo at Magic Storm's website: www.magicstorm.de

    Screenshots from the Beta:

    Comments 2 Comments
    1. Firlefanz's Avatar
      Firlefanz -
      Wow, cool :-) Thanks a lot for that news :-)

      Have a good happy new year soon :-)

      Firlefanz (Eric)
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      Happy holidays Eric. I hope you and your family are well.

      Good luck with your game's sales. BTW the announcement has also gone out on DelphiFeeds.