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  • Red Ant Games Announces Subject 33 for Mobiles & OUYA

    Red Ant Games announced this month that they will be focusing on Subject 33 for both Android devices and the new OUYA game console. Win/Mac/Lin to follow as well as iOS devices.

    The game currently exists as an alpha prototype and will be ported to Oxygene for Java so that it may reach all of it's target platforms. A touch interface will be created for the mobile platforms and support for gamepads will be added.

    It will be released as an arcade style title, but will add a story mode and other features after release.

    Future features could include more levels, more enemies, multi-player deathmatch and game network support in time.

    Paul Nicholls has teamed up with Jason McMillen under the Red Ant Games label to produce this title and other possible games to come out focused towards mobile devices and the OUYA.

    Visit the Subject 33 showcase site to read more or try the Alpha prototype for Windows.
    You can also read more about Red Ant Games' other game projects at www.RedAntGames.com.

    Screenshots from the original Subject 33 Alpha Prototype
    (Click to Enlarge)

    Original OUYA Kickstarter campaign video

    News Sources: Twitter, OUYA Forums, Red Ant Games
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      Zack Parrish just signed on to do the music!

      Take a listen of some of his previous work posted on Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/zack-parrish
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      Red Ant Games has a Facebook page now!

      Please like us! http://www.facebook.com/RedAntGames/