It's been some time since I've done a site-wide community announcement, but I felt that I should say something to ring in the new year and let you all know that I'm still around and keeping an eye on things. In fact I've been working on a few things for the community that I'm sure will keep you excited about the coming year.
The first really big thing is that I have been in talks with RemObjects' Jim McKeeth and PP4S's Dr. Norman Morrison about getting the Oxygene for Java developer tools into classrooms. I made the introductions and asked what Marc Hoffman, RemObject's CEO and founder thought of providing some sort of educational license for a single school to start up a pilot program through the 'Pascal Programming for Schools' project. Dr. Morrison has discussed this with his own school's headmaster in England and got him interested. His school is now persuing a program with lessons designed using the new Oxygene language that would even allow them to put their projects on mobile devices right in class. Further you can now access tutorials that will be a basis for these highschool computer science classes on the PP4S website right here!
Back Issues of Pascal Gamer Magazine are available at!

I'd like to keep these competitions going so if you are interested in helping we will of course need a pair of judges to score at the end of the competition. The only prerequisite is that you have both a Mac and Windows machine and can commit to set aside some time to score all final entries. I will be using Dropbox to organize the judging process.
Want to learn more about the PGD Challenge mini game developer competitions? Read up and try past entries at!
Garland's Quest will probably see a 2014 release with a crowd funding campaign sometime this year. While Subject 33 will be a much smaller project that both Paul Nicholls and I are going to push to the Android and OUYA platforms early this year. Zack Parrish is currently working on both games' soundtracks. He is a very talented musician and we are excited about his involvement in both projects.
You can read more about Red Ant Games at!
2012 has been a good year, obvious reasons for me personally, but we have had a lot of great things happen for the community too. The new Nougat project announcement, Embarcadero's announcement of a roadmap for mobile development tools and lets not forget the epic 1.0 release of Lazarus. Let us also not forget the release of a 4th development tool, Smart Mobile Studio that will allow us to create HTML5 and JavaScript based web apps using Object Pascal code.
So with that I will end my first news post of the year. Happy coding everyone and have a very successful and fun year this 2013!
Jason McMillen
Pascal Game Development
Webmaster / Community Co-Founder
Pascal Game Development
Webmaster / Community Co-Founder
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