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  • Smart Contest 2013 Begins: Round 1 "Graphics"

    Optimale Systemer has begun it's big prize contests for all it's Smart Mobile Studio users. Some time ago it was announced that they will be running 4 contests this year each with their own theme. The winner of each round will win a tablet device for their entry. These will take place in February, May, August and November.

    Smart Mobile Studio is a suite of developer tools that allows your to generate JavaScript and HTML 5 based "apps" written in Object Pascal code. The first version was released just last year and can be purchased at Share-It for $399 USD or 328.15 EUR. The compiler has since proven to be quite versatile and capable of designing everything from web-based games to localized business apps.

    There is a free trial available at their website to see if it's something you want to use.

    So far only a few games have been made with the compiler and suite of tools, most notably from Eric Grange who created an entry into the PGD Challenge with his own competition entry called War Trail. You can check out his entry on the PGD Challenge Showcase website at www.PGDChallenge.com!

    More details about prizes and the how the competition will be ran by the end of January will be announced on the Optimale Systemer website. Keep an eye out for that as the February Round of these contests comes closer. The tablets they will offer up for prizes so far have been listed as: "iPad, iPad mini, Android based tablet, Windows tablet" and $750 USD Value.

    To check out further details about how to win yourself a brand new tablet or to try Smart Mobile Studio at www.SmartMobileStudio.com.

    News Sources: Optimale Systemer, Twitter
    Comments 55 Comments
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      Can you use the trial version for the competition, or have to purchase one first?
    1. SilverWarior's Avatar
      SilverWarior -
      Acording to information on their web page it is posible to participate with trial version of their software.
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      Thanks mate
    1. SilverWarior's Avatar
      SilverWarior -
      No problem. I was just wandering the same so I went and ceck.
    1. SmartMobileStudioTeam's Avatar
      SmartMobileStudioTeam -
      Quote Originally Posted by paul_nicholls View Post
      Can you use the trial version for the competition, or have to purchase one first?
      Yes you can use the trial version.
      We've updated the website too, now.
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      So has anyone started on an entry for this graphics demo contest?
    1. Dan's Avatar
      Dan -
      I will wait for the exact requirements of the contest. if it's something like generating a static fractal picture - doesn't seem to be a lot of fun. but if it's any kind of animated, dynamic, proceduraly generated demo scene, then I just might give it a try=)
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      Yeah, I'm an old fan of the European demoscene too. It's part of what has inspired all my graphics programming to date.
    1. Dan's Avatar
      Dan -
      the contest has started! anyone intersted check it out at http://smartmobilestudio.com/
    1. SilverWarior's Avatar
      SilverWarior -
      To bad I'm weak in graphics othervise I might have given this a try. So I gues I will pas this one out.
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      I might give it a whirl...I have some ideas for a retro demo...
    1. Dan's Avatar
      Dan -
      I am starting to make some progress with my demo http://gen2gdk.com/g2mp/demoscene0/
      is anyone else form pgd participating?
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      Quote Originally Posted by Dan View Post
      I am starting to make some progress with my demo http://gen2gdk.com/g2mp/demoscene0/
      is anyone else form pgd participating?
      Ok, that is impressive!

      I'm having troubles with mine still, but it will have to wait till I finish night shifts and I can work on it again this coming monday/tuesday
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      Very pretty! Still screenshots don't really do it as much justice, but here is what I saw.

      Attachment 1108 Attachment 1109 Attachment 1110

      Didn't run on my iPad (2nd gen) but ran rather well on my desktop. What resolution/size would you recommend running your demo on? These were taken at a fairly high resolution on my iMac 27".
    1. Dan's Avatar
      Dan -
      it's good to know that it works on a mac too. I don't expect it to work on ipad though, because ios does not support webgl.
      the textures in this demo have a fairly high resolution so it should look good on even a large screen. there really is no resolution preference here.
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -

      BTW I was using FireFox 18.0.2 if that also helps.
    1. laggyluk's Avatar
      laggyluk -
      I downloaded the trial but then checked the price and it's too much for my hobbist budget
    1. Dan's Avatar
      Dan -
      here is my final submission: http://gen2gdk.com/g2mp/demoscene0/
      didn't have enough time to implement all the effects that I wanted, but when do we ever have enough time
    1. SilverWarior's Avatar
      SilverWarior -
      Wow! That is realy awsome. I must admit I haven't belived WebGL is powerfull enough for someting like this.
    1. Dan's Avatar
      Dan -
      actually it can do stuff way better than this! if only I had the time...
      and Smart Mobile Studio optimizes the code very well so I remain very impressed by its capabilities.
      I now remember the days of writing pure javascript as a bad dream=)