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  • Druids: Battle Magic Now on Mac OS X

    Druids: Battle Magic is a puzzle game by Seven Sails, published on Big Fish Games. It has been released for some time now, but finally it has made it's debut on the Mac thanks to Lazarus.

    There has even been some added polish since it was originally released in 2006. The "Enhanced" version of Cezar Wagenheimer and Seven Sails' first commercial release now powered by the ZenGL game library and uses the TexturePacker tool for it's sprites and other textures.

    The game is now available as an Enhanced Edition on both Mac OS X and Windows.

    In-Game Screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by Cezar Wagenheimer
    This version was redone from scratch using the ZenGL engine, and now it have new High Definition Graphics, WideScreen Support, Achievements, New Sounds Effects and much more.

    Check it out! If you bought the old PC version from Big Fish Games you should reinstall it on the Game Manager.

    Version in PT-BR will be released soon. And a iPad release will follow with even more incredible features!

    Check out the trial version at Big Fish Games right here or buy it at $10.21 USD or for just $2.99 USD with the "NEW299" coupon code.

    Original Game Trailer

    News Sources: Twitter, Cezar Wegenheimer's Blog, Seven Sails Blog, Big Fish Games
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. wagenheimer's Avatar
      wagenheimer -
      The iPad version will be released soon! Thanks to ZenGL.
    1. Daikrys's Avatar
      Daikrys -
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      I'm truely happy to see more Pascal developers succeeding in their craft of making games as time goes on.

      I think I know who my next interview will be with though.