• Recent Video Tutorials

  • Getting Noticed: Why You Need an Online Portfolio and How to Make One

    Acquiring the right skills is only the first step to getting hired in the games industry; now those skills need to be displayed. A well-written cover-letter and resume are important but, in game development, the online portfolio is king.

    Using examples drawn from actual industry portfolios spanning multiple disciplines and laying out a step-by-step process for portfolio website and content generation, this talk will show you how to easily create a professional-quality portfolio website that will substantially increase your odds of being hired for a game development position no matter what your concentration or experience level.

    Video Author: Jacob Minkoff
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. Super Vegeta's Avatar
      Super Vegeta -
      Somehow watching videos like this makes me confident I don't want to do games professionally. Oh well.
      Please include a direct link to videos; Flash and YouTube and getting more and more sluggish - actually, YouTube is no longer working on my laptop and I have to download the videos instead of watching them in the browser.
    1. User137's Avatar
      User137 -
      YouTube laggy even with 320p? You can save YouTube videos with Firefox addon too.
    1. Sascha Willems's Avatar
      Sascha Willems -
      This doesn't only apply to the gaming industry btw
      I got my job as a fulltime Delphi Developer (serious applica
      tions, we develop software in governmental controlled automotive areas) not only because of my qualifications, but also because of the delphi / pascal stuff I posted on my personal page. Back then heads of the development department took a look at my games and application on my page, threw some zombies down the tube in my NewtonPlayGround and they even took a look at some of my sources and this went into their final decission.

      So it's always good to have some kind of online-portfolio as a developer. It's worth more than 1000 lines of texts describing your qualification or hours of job interviews. And during the job interview I didn't have to tell much about my qualifications, cause they had already seen them on my page and in my applications
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