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  • DGL OpenGL Header 4.4

    We have updated our OpenGL headers to support the latest OpenGL 4.4 specs. So if you're using Delphi and/or Free Pascal and want to use all of the latest features OpenGL has to offer, please visit their english wiki-page for the header and grab a copy of it.

    Note that the header also includes support for all older OpenGL versions, so it may worthwhile updating even if you're not using the latest cutting-edge features of OpenGL 3.x/4.x. The changelog is available and can be accessed through the wiki as well here.

    Get the new DGL OpenGL Headers at wiki.delphigl.com.

    The header supports Free Pascal (Windows, Linux, Mac OSX) as well as Delphi (Windows, Mac OSX hasn't been tested yet).
    Comments 8 Comments
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      Thanks for the update Sascha, much appreciated

    1. Murmandamus's Avatar
      Murmandamus -
      Thanks much for the quick update!
    1. Sascha Willems's Avatar
      Sascha Willems -
      No problem!

      And as of OpenGL 4.4 there's finally an xml-based spec file available from Khronos (instead of the old horrible .spec files). So I've sat down and wrote an simple tool that automatically generates Delphi / Free Pascal headers from the official xml spec files.

      This will make maintaining the headers a lot easier for me and allows me to release instant updates for new OpenGL version without having to merge and testchanges manually.

      It's still in the makings, but the header currently generated by that tool already works with even my most complex projects, and if necessary I could even easily put out OpenGL ES / EGL headers for e.g. FPC and android
    1. laggyluk's Avatar
      laggyluk -
      using it, thanks for the effort
    1. phibermon's Avatar
      phibermon -
      Thank you very much Sascha! I've already made good use of the buffer and query additions in GL 4.4 thanks to your header. And to all of the others who are saying thank you, why havn't you posted news about your GL4 projects? I thought I was on my own here - I've done all but scream to work with people on modern pipeline stuff, I have to pretend I'm a C++ coder on IRC etc just to speak to people about it!
    1. User137's Avatar
      User137 -
      nxPascal was updated with this header as soon as it was posted aswell. I'm not using GL 4 stuff yet though, and i also like to be able to make programs work on a bit older setups. I don't even know how well it handles TOpenGLContext of Lazarus. Everything i try compile and run though.
    1. laggyluk's Avatar
      laggyluk -
      I'm using the header but as for gl stuff then nothing newer than 3.2, my older card doesn't get past that
    1. wodzu's Avatar
      wodzu -
      Quote Originally Posted by phibermon View Post
      Thank you very much Sascha! I've already made good use of the buffer and query additions in GL 4.4 thanks to your header. And to all of the others who are saying thank you, why havn't you posted news about your GL4 projects? I thought I was on my own here - I've done all but scream to work with people on modern pipeline stuff, I have to pretend I'm a C++ coder on IRC etc just to speak to people about it!
      Yeah, it is hard to do OpenGL in Pascal Community is small so not much help. I am thinking seriously about moving to C++ just because of that reason

      Thanks Sascha for your headers