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  • 3rd PGD Challenge is coming! August 15th

    Hello fellow Pascal game devs!

    We would like to announce that the Pascal Game Development community will be holding our 3rd PGD Challenge event in a few days. All are welcome to participate and all are encouraged to not only take part, but also spread the word! The more the merrier and the better the showing for everyone involved. The theme and official rules, much like the last two events, will be posted here on PGD on the 15th of August, 2013 at the start of the event.

    The event will end on the 15th of September, 2013.

    As always the goal of the PGD Challenge is to make a game prototype within a set short amount of time and submit it before deadline following a specific theme or set of technical guidelines. In the case of this event, they usually revolve around both game play and game mechanics type themes. Obviously the only other requirement is that the core of your game code must be written in some form or dialect of Pascal.

    This event will be a little different from the last two events and not just in theme. This time we will be trying out a new jam game style format. What does this mean? Well, no judges or scores for starters. Also there are no technical requirements to adhere to as they do not need to be judged to apply a set of scores. So platforms are completely open, however some may still prove to be more practical than others. ie. It's not very easy to share iOS apps as they all usually have to go through the App Store first.

    All submitted entries will still be showcased on the PGD Challenge website. Not enough motivation? Well how about this? On top of seeing your game prominently shown on the competition page, you can also submit video and screenshots of your entry that we will cut into a small trailer showing off the best parts of the event and promote future Challenge events. And lastly PGD Staff members will be tasked to pick which game entry that they liked most and those games will get their very own showcase page on the PGD Challenge showcase website.

    On this page will be the picked game's brief description of the game as provided by the creator, title and other in-game screenshots plus a small video of the gameplay hosted on YouTube and a link to download the game it's self.

    Submitting your entries will be done via FTP as done in the past and information about the server and password access will be provided with the rules on the 15th.

    If you are brand new to the PGD Challenge or would just like some more information, you can check out the PGD Challenge website at www.PGDChallenge.com.

    All past events and their entries are freely available to download and play on the site.

    So get the word out and tell all your game dev friends! Programmers that use Delphi, Oxygene or Free Pascal and/or Lazarus who have thought of, but never tried to make game are highly encouraged to try this ultimate test of your programming skills. Students are especially welcome of all skill levels!

    The PGD community has been running game competitions and other events since 2005 and we are still having fun doing it. Please come and join us in the fun!

    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

    Comments 6 Comments
    1. wagenheimer's Avatar
      wagenheimer -
      Very good! This time I will do everything to try to participate! =)
    1. SilverWarior's Avatar
      SilverWarior -
      While I will be a bit short on time I'll still try to participate
    1. Super Vegeta's Avatar
      Super Vegeta -
      Ludum Dare takes place on 23-26, but since the PGD challenge will be month-long, I think I should be able to do both (if I find the time and will, that is). Hope the theme will be interesting.
    1. Ñuño Martínez's Avatar
      Ñuño Martínez -
      As in previous challenges, I'll [try to] use the hash-tag #PGDchallenge in Twitter. I've announced it, Alex Falkenberg too.
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      Sweet! Thanks for helping to spread the word Nuno!

      Just remember, this one is only for fun so even if you just whip something up on a single weekend, it's enough. If you have more time, awesome. go for it!
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      Neat! Sounds good...I will try doing an entry too