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  • PGD Community Engine - Community Project

    If you're a site regular you will undoubtedly have seen the community project announcement that was made just over a week ago, if not, then read on for details of what will hopefully be the first of many community projects here at Pascal Game Development.

    Regular visitors will know that there are a number of game development frameworks available for Delphi and FreePascal. Unfortunately many of these are the efforts of solo developers and whilst they have shown great promise too many of these projects have fizzled out in recent years. There are many factors for this including the pressure to maintain the project as compilers and technology move on and the pressures of being the only developer working on them.

    Having spoken with a couple of the people behind some of these projects a common thread here is the fact that they would have liked help, but for a variety of reasons that help wasn't forth coming. It's also clear from speaking to the wider community that they would like to be involved in the development of a game engine, not least because they'll get to know how it works so they can get the best out of it for their own game development projects (that is why we're here after all).

    So it is with great pleasure that I announce the launch of the Pascal Game Development Community Engine (PGDCE for short). A community lead project that aims to build a commercially capable game engine that will support DirectX and OpenGL and a variety of platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, iOS and Android using Delphi and FreePascal.

    If you'd like to get involved, please visit Pascal Game Development and join the community and sign-up to the project in the project forums. Not a single line of code has been written yet, so if you think you may be put off joining a project that's in full swing, now is the time to join us.