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  • Allegro.pas 5.2.β.1 released

    Almost two years, but thanks to the help of this community, Allegro.pas 5.2.β.1 is finally out.

    You know, Allegro.pas allows to use the Allegro Game Library with Delphi and Free Pascal compilers (including Lazarus). This new version fixes a few bugs, adds a ton of new functionality, completes the documentation and is 95% Delphi compatible (there are a few issues with two examples ).

    You can download the demonstration game for Windows (should work with Wine too) or the library (here all formats). The GitHub mirror is still a little bit outdated, but will be synchronized ASAP (there are minor changes though).

    As always, any comment is welcome.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Allegro.pas 5.2.β.1 released started by Ñuño Martínez View original post
    Comments 11 Comments
    1. SilverWarior's Avatar
      SilverWarior -
      Great work on the Allegro library. I'm looking forward on testing it in Delphi some day.
    1. Ñuño Martínez's Avatar
      Ñuño Martínez -

      Actually I need Delphi users that test it to tell me what's wrong and what's right, and if documentation is helpful and precise. Also code snippets are welcome.
    1. gerdich's Avatar
      gerdich -
      I am waiting for Android support. I need Windows, OSX, iOS and Android.
    1. Ñuño Martínez's Avatar
      Ñuño Martínez -
      Me too. I didn't even try because I never programmed for Android so I have no idea how to start. And tutorials explaining how Android development works don't help a lot: they scare a lot!

      BTW, I've rewritten the web page and started to translate the Vivace tutorial.
    1. SilverWarior's Avatar
      SilverWarior -
      Quote Originally Posted by Ñuño Martínez View Post
      And tutorials explaining how Android development works don't help a lot: they scare a lot!
      Which tutorial are you talking here about?
    1. Ñuño Martínez's Avatar
      Ñuño Martínez -
      It was few years ago ago, can't remember now. But it was scary how much stuff you must to configure, set, modify and pack after the program is finished.

      I hope it changed and now it is more easy.
    1. SilverWarior's Avatar
      SilverWarior -
      Quote Originally Posted by Ñuño Martínez View Post
      It was few years ago ago, can't remember now. But it was scary how much stuff you must to configure, set, modify and pack after the program is finished.
      I'm guessing you are talking here about the very first time when mobile support was introduced to Delphi. I don't have practical experience from that time with mobile development but I do remember that it was necessary to even use some third-party software in order to deploy your application to mobile device so you could then run and debug it there.

      Quote Originally Posted by Ñuño Martínez View Post
      I hope it changed and now it is more easy.
      Yes it has changed a lot. Now you no longer need any third party software. All you need to do is install PAServer and Android or iOS SDK's, install the needed driver for your mobile device and you are pretty much ready to go. And installing all these can be pretty much done with just a few click thanks to GetIt installer that Delphi is using now.
      Well you might encounter some difficulties especially if you are trying to use some older Android device for development like when I used Lenovo Think Pad II and had problems of finding the correct USB drivers.

      Any way afer setting up your mobile environment all you need to do is select in Delphi onto which connected mobile device you wan't to deploy your application and click "Run". Delphi does take care then for compiling the application (unfortunately mobile compiler is noticeably slower in comparison to standard desktop compiler) deploying the application on the mobile device and then starting the said application in debug mode.
    1. Ñuño Martínez's Avatar
      Ñuño Martínez -
      Good to know. Yes, it changed a lot. I should take a look; I hope Delphi Com.Ed. allows it or I should use Lazarus. Then see how to compile Allegro 4 Android and see if Allegro.pas can use it.
    1. Cubeneo's Avatar
      Cubeneo -
      Wow,it's amazing!Good job!
    1. Ñuño Martínez's Avatar
      Ñuño Martínez -

      BTW, I've translated the Vivace Tutorial from C to Pascal. It is a great introduction to Allegro. Read it.
    1. Ñuño Martínez's Avatar
      Ñuño Martínez -
      I did a bugfix release today. Take it here.