Castle Game Engine is a cross-platform (desktop, mobile, console) 3D and 2D game engine supporting many asset formats (glTF, X3D, Spine...).
- Download the latest version from our main page.
- Video introduction, showing our editor capabilities, is here (from Debian MDCO2 conference).
- We have a lot of documentation about the engine. Before full 7.0 release, we want to upgrade the whole manual to describe how to do almost everything using the visual editor (and still show how to do it by Pascal code, too).
- See here for the full release announcement.
New features are:
- CGE visual editor
- glTF 2.0 full support and realistic rendering upgrades
- Nintendo Switch
- Better API for viewports and cameras in TCastleViewport
- Third-person navigation (with avatar)
- TCastleDownload class, to make asynchronous (non-blocking) downloading
- Load sprite sheets and images to TCastleScene
- Big user interface classes improvements
- Easy serialization of components as JSON
- CastleSettings.xml file support
- castle-data:/ protocol
- TCastleBehavior to enhance TCastleTransform functionality like TCastleBillboard or TCastleSoundSource
- Many optimizations and profiling features
- New screen effects API
- Easy mirrors on flat surfaces
- Localization
- Animation blending improvements
- Many new notable examples
- Android support for Arm64, many new services, upgrades to build infrastructure
- iOS vibrations, GPU compression, IPA building, new services
- Physics detecting collisions, settings and triggers
- Sound backends, FMOD backend, LoopingChannel, sound streaming
The more complete list of changes is here. Even that longer list is just a summary — just browse our news to know all the details.
Along with the new engine, we also release view3dscene 4.0.0 and castle-view-image 2.0.0. These tools are packaged within the main CGE download (they will be automaticaly invoked if you double-click from CGE editor on a 3D scene or image), but you can also download them separately.
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