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  • Version 2.2 of SDL2-for-Pascal Units Released

    Version 2.2 of the SDL2-for-Pascal Units got released. It took nearly two and a half years to update the SDL2-for-Pascal Units to be quite up-to-date with the latest version of SDL2. We got a really updated package now. For you this means, there is no good reason not to start using SDL2 in Pascal to realize your (game) projects, be it with Free Pascal or Delphi, on Linux, Windows or MacOS. ;-) – Other compilers and OS’es work too, probably. Feel invited to craft some patches to make it work with your compiler/OS, too.

    I’d like to thank all contributors for their efforts. I’d also like to thank suve aka SuperVegeta, the co-maintainer and long-term PGD member, for the great cooperation, without which some large improvements would be missing in this release and some serious mistakes wouldn’t have been caught before merging the code :-)! I'd like to thank AthenaOfDelphi for hosting the repo on the PGD GitHub Account (and preparing the SDL3-for-Pascal repo already!)

    Here are the offical release notes:

    • SDL2 unit is up-to-date with at least version 2.0.14 of the SDL2 library (exception sdlthread.inc)
    • many aliases got replaced by typed enums
    • add single and double pointers for all types (thanks furious-programming)
    • update SDL_ttf.pas to latest version 2.21.0
    • replace data types by c data types (see PR #29)
    • add folder structure (see PR #27)
    • many bugfixes

    Happy New Year and Happy Coding!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Version 2.2 of SDL2-for-Pascal Units Released started by Matthias View original post
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      That's great news! I've not used SDL for ages, but awesome
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      erm...where do I find this version?

      EDIT: lol it wasn't obvious on my laptop that there was even a URL link in the text...disregard!
    1. Matthias's Avatar
      Matthias -
      No harm done.