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  • SDL3 got released and we need you!

    The first official release of SDL3 has been published last week. SDL3 is a rather low level C/C++ library to develop platform independent games. Its predecessors SDL 1.2 and SDL2 are widely recognized by game developers.

    For SDL2 there are complete and successful bindings for Pascal ("SDL2-for-Pascal") which are provided by the PGD community and hosted on PGD's own GitHub account. And with a lot of experience we garnered from this project, we are currently working to realize similar high quality bindings for SDL3, obviously the project is called "SDL3-for-Pascal". And that is where you come into play

    Some of the header files for SDL3 are already translated, but there are a lot of them which are still missing, and also the extending units SDL3_image, SDL3_ttf, SDL3_mixer, SDL3_net, maybe even SDL3_gfx are completely missing (no final version 3 released though yet).

    If you like to help and support our community repo, here is what you do:

    • clone the SDL3-for-Pascal repo to your local drive
    • choose one or more include files to translate and let us quickly know via the issues; otherwise there is the danger two people are working on the same file
    • translate one or more include (.h) files according to our stylesheet (or just look in already translated inc-files how exactly to do it)
    • craft a PR
    • suve or me will review your contribution rather quickly and give feedback or merge (and don't be afraid to contribute, we will guide you by friendly feedback to a final merge if necessary, it's about fun anyway )

    So, have fun
    This article was originally published in forum thread: SDL3 got released and we need you! started by Matthias View original post
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. Ñuño Martínez's Avatar
      Ñuño Martínez -
      It was long time ago when I used SDL, only once and just to see how it was. IIRC it was version 1. Then I changed to Allegro. 8^)

      Maybe I help, even if that means less people will use my Allegro.pas package, but I have experience translating C headers to Pascal so...
    1. Matthias's Avatar
      Matthias -
      Never used Allegro, but I know you maintain the Allegro-bindings ! From what I read about Allegro, it seems to be a great alternative to SDL and therefore a matter of taste . Feel free to help contribute to SDL though .