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  • CodeRage 5 Starts Soon

    This event is hosted online by Embarcadero this October from the 4th to the 8th. And will feature five whole days of technical seminars focusing on software development and data management from top industry speakers, technologists, and industry practitioners. Best part of all, it's 100% FREE.

    Both the new Delphi XE and Delphi Prism XE tools will be discussed. There will be over 50 different live sessions in total covering various developer topics. You can access the list here. There will also be a chat area for software professionals to talk among one another and a cool virtual exhibit hall. If you happen to miss a live session, you can watch an archived video of it later on.

    Get more information or register at www.embarcadero.com.
    Comments 11 Comments
    1. Traveler's Avatar
      Traveler -
      Hmmz, I do not seem have enough rights to view that link...
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      Really? Try the main CodeRage 5 page and try going to the sessions list from there.
    1. Traveler's Avatar
      Traveler -
      There's something odd with the domain or url settings. Whenever I try to visit a non forum page by using http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com (thats with www.) it throws me the 'Traveler, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:' -page. But when I use http://pascalgamedevelopment.com/ I can visit the page, although then it appears like i'm not logged in.
    1. AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
      AthenaOfDelphi -
      The issue with being thrown to the 'You don't have permission page' was a permissions issue with the CMS and the new registered users group I created earlier. Apologies for that
    1. Traveler's Avatar
      Traveler -
      No problem, all seems to be working again.
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      So I guess this means that you'll be registering for CodeRage 5?
    1. Nitrogen's Avatar
      Nitrogen -
      RAD Studio XE Delphi XE? *sigh* remember the old days when Delphi was called Delphi...
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      It is... It's Delphi XE. RAD Studio XE is the huge heaping collection of everything. If you just want Delphi, get Delphi.
    1. Nitrogen's Avatar
      Nitrogen -
      I get your point, but it just seems like they are trying too hard to put every last buzz word into the thing. Hope CodeRage goes well though!
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      Yeah, it's true that these commercial development tools will do that, add all the catchy names and such. That's sort of the nature of what they are though. It's all marketing for their product in the end. However if you consider that they can't very well call it Delphi X without stepping on the indie game development crowd, we can sort of appreciate that because we really don't need any more confusion over half of our development tools. Borland was good at that, so I think adding XE instead of a number is a fair compromise considering the next name could have been the Greek word for a old toilet.
    1. Murmandamus's Avatar
      Murmandamus -
      CodeRage5 was awesome, but they really need to address the greater issue of getting people to use the language. As I said in the chatroom, Delphi has a bit of "pull the ladder up" syndrome. Pretty much, it is entry-level hostile. I have a hard time introducing fellow programmers to the language because of it. They often ask the painful question "is this a dead language or something?". It is strange, because Embarcadero should be embracing entry-level, even moreso than Microsoft, who really has little need to do so (even though they understand the value in it).