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  • Delphi can be Touchy Feely

    Have you had a chance to play with Delphi's new Touch and Gesture features yet? Well we're a little late, but we just found this video on YouTube with David I. and Chris Bensen. Chris shows us all about some of the features that he and Seppy Bloom wrote for the 2010 version of Delphi and C Builder tools. They call them 'InteractiveGestures and support multi-touch gestures which can be developed on a tablet, kiosk or just your regular desktop with a touch screen. There is a built-in touch software keyboard available too that you can bring up as well. It also supports the mouse and pen too.

    This looks like a fun set of components built into the VCL to play with and could be useful for for whatever other platforms once they become available. I could write more about it, but I think it's best to just let Chris tell you all about it in the video.

    David I. & Chris Benson Touch and Gesture Demo Video

    Learn more about Delphi and the features of the VCL at www.embarcadero.com!