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  • Embarcadero's Channel E

    Well it seems that having your own online video channel these days is all the rage. Now Embarcadero has what it calls, Channel E which is an online network where application developers and database admins and developers can watch product experts in video format discussing tips and tricks with their products.

    You can watch the video presentations on their site or they also give you the option to download the MP4 format video or copy the embed code to post it to your blog or favorite forum.

    The presentations are broken down into their many products for display and each product has several videos available already. A worth while resource for people new to Delphi and Delphi Prism and want to start using the tools.

    'Introduction to Delphi Prism 2011' video using Embedded feature

    Check out Channel E at channel-e.embarcadero.com.