PGD Mobile?
, 09-12-2010 at 12:16 AM (109685 Views)
Now-a-days it seems like everyone is making their own mobile device App for their business or collection of services. Well what would you guys say to PGD getting it's own App for iPhone and Android phones? vBulletin has created their own App which is currently available at the iTunes App Store for free and it will soon be creating a kit where it's customers --this means us at PGD-- can have their own App created and offered FREE online for people with either of the two devices. It would be able to be custom tailored, theme/skin, App icon and all so that it looked felt and acted just like a PGD brand App that allowed you to have many of the usual online features as you have from the PGD website it's self.
They are currently developing the kit and have not posted a price on it yet, but announced that it will be soon. They also announced the possibility for a Windows Phone 7 and a Blackberry App also. This would give be great to give us more exposure to the world and provide more service to you awesome site Members who visit us regularly.
vBulletin iPhone Mobile Application demo video
Read more about it in the vBulletin forums or try it out on your iOS device from iTunes.