Embarcadero in Action LIVE! in Munich
, 10-02-2011 at 12:25 AM (87092 Views)
Yesterday I was at Embarcadero in Action LIVE! in Munich. Well, not exactly in Munich, but near Munich, but that's an another story
I was never at one of Embarcadero events, so this was a whole new experience for me. As I expected I was the youngest one there and probably the only one interested in multimedia and game development. About half of the event was spent on promoting database products.
They showed some of the new features of Delphi XE and C++ Builder XE such as Subversion integration, diff viewer and such. Let's be honest though: SVN is not the most modern version control system any more and for viewing changes there a lot of open-source applications out there such as WinMerge.
They demonstrated RADPHP which impressed me quite a bit that you could web applications very quick and so much Delphi-like.
There were some news about Delphi XE2, the successor to Delphi XE:
- It's going be released this year, some time around this fall, probably August or September
- 64-bit compiler (yeah for that, although personally I don't care about that one too much)
- Mac cross-compiler, no Mac IDE or linux cross-compiler though
- Something like VCL+ is going to be integrated into the IDE which what formerly KSDev is working on at the moment. It is unclear though if it's just going to be DXScene/VGScene rebranded, if the components will just ship with Delphi or be available for download on their web page or if VCL+ will be compatible to earlier version of Delphi.
All in all it was a nice event and I'm probably going to a similar event next year. I wish this event in general would showcase more graphical-intensive or games in the future to show what can be all done with Delphi. (Direct2D applications were mentioned in just one sentence.)