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PSN Still Down, Dev Tool / Language Guides

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Hey folks! Yeah the poor PlayStation Network (aka PSN) is still down and all those of you who wanted to play the latest games like Portal 2, Mortal Kombat and even Little Big Planet 2 online are Sure Out of Luck. So why not take this time to forget online gaming all-together and make a game instead?

PSN Still Down, What I Know...

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ID:	379Having the PSN down has kinda sucked for me too. I was hoping to try Portal 2 online and even on Steam. PS3 owners who got the game actually got to play it on your PC/Mac through Steam for free. That is after you linked your Steam account to your PSN account. I just got it last week, bad luck for me for a while.

What is nice is the fact that Sony is at least fessing up to their own laws. When has Microsoft or Nintendo ever done that?! Regular members will get a month of free PlayStation Plus service free and existing PS+ members will get their service extended as well. I was led to the idea that we would also greatly rewarded for our patience in other was such as free content as well. I can't wait to see what this might be, never-mind just getting to play online again. Just like everyone else of course.

Something really nice was the one year of identity theft protection on Sony for all those US members of PSN. It's nice to know that they are taking care of the US customers. I do however wonder if they care equally about the Canadian or European customers too. They said that they would be looking into a similar offering for other countries as well, they are global and seeking the best company for each country is no small task I would imagine.

Well, we wait on. *fingers crossed*

Updates about the PSN outage available at

Development Guides

Remember those guides that I wrote some time back? No? That's okay, I'm rewriting them as you read this. So much has changed in the last couple of years that half of the information on them is obsolete. I think that these would be a helpful resource for those newcomers or anyone still not fully initiated into all things in the modern Pascal world.

Language (syntax) categories that I know of are:

  • Classic Pascal
  • Object Pascal (Delphi and Apple's Object Pascal)
  • Objective Pascal (New standard being brought about by the usage of Free Pascal and Xcode)

Having at least 3 dialects that vary each by the different compilers that are used sort of validates the general term of Pascal doesn't it?

Active/popular developer tools would include:

  • Delphi
  • Free Pascal
  • Lazarus / Free Pascal
  • Xcode / Free Pascal
  • Delphi Prism
  • Cooper

I would add GNU Pascal since it is technically not obsolete, but I'd be surprised if anyone would actually recommend it for game development when here are so many better options out there. Any other suggestions?

I'm going to start with a basic starter guide so that those who are truly new can at least get started with something and not have to consume university level information to understand. A part of the existing problem with new Pascal programmers not in high school these days.

More in-depth guides will be available as I create them. This will all be in a new section of PGD's content section of the site.

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