Pascal Game Development FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Why donate to PGD?

As you know PGD is a community site which is geared to helping pascal developers connect with other pascal developers so that you can all learn and share with each other. And we feel that we can do more to make that happen, but as you may or may not know, is that the entire staff is a volunteer-only group of independent developers just like you. All that you see here at PGD are the direct results of our spent time and money put into this site. And since 2004 there has been a lot of time, money blood and sweat that has gone into this place. Time has not always been our friend and well money we just don't usually have. We want to continue to do what we do, but we want to also do better than what we have. This is where you, the community, comes in.

We would be very much appreciated to anyone that can spare whatever they can to help us in some of our goals. These are things that will help us make this place better, easier to maintain (time and financial wise) and more fun. Emphasis on the more fun! Because that's why we work with Pascal and come here in the first place.

Some of the things that can be done with your contributions:

  • Nicer site experience. Purchase of site software such as vBulletin so that everyone can post news and articles in a nice and easy manner without the hassle of extra logins and configurations and mismatched free site software.
  • Help pay for hosting. Dom, bless his heart, has been flipping the bill for ages for the domain and it's web space. And as much as he doesn't mind doing it, wouldn't it be nice to help cover some of this as a community?
  • Advertise the site and the community outside of PGD. This will help bring in others that don't know about how great Pascal is and what we are all doing. Imagine all those that have not been initiated. This helps bring in new blood to the community and make events like the PGD Annual more exciting with more renewed participation. We also get to show all those C weenies just how much better our language really is. ;)
  • Help purchase better competition prizes for PGD Annual and other events. You know we have had some great sponsors in past years for our competitions, but wouldn't you really rather win a sound or graphics card instead? Or many other options and cool things we could do if PGD had the cash to fund future competition events themselves.

These are some of the awesome things we could do for this community if you and your other hundreds of PGD members just gave what they could to chip in. I've created this Donation button below for you to click on and enter whatever amount you feel you want to or can give. It's totally up to you! We would like to see this community continue grow so please help out and give what you can. Thank you for your interest.

How do I donate to PGD?

Donating to PGD is easy! All you need to do is click on the botton below...

NOTE: If you don't already happen to have a PayPal account, creating one is easy and it will allow you to pay for many other things online without requiring to give away your credit card details to sites that allow PayPal payments.

After clicking on the "Donate" button, you will be taken to the PayPal website where you can enter the amount you wish to donate and tells you exactly where your donation payment will be sent to. You may enter any amount you wish and any amount you send will be greatly appreciated. Enter your PayPal account username and password and hit "Log In" to make the payment. Once PayPal logs in it will confirm the donation payment. It's that easy.

NOTE: PayPal takes a small fee from each donation transaction plus fees for transferring money from another county or currency. All donations made to the PGD community are done in Canadian Dollars to a Canadian account.

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