Forum dedicated to the Castle Game Engine by Michalis
Forum dedicated to the discussion of SFML related topics
Discuss the DelphiX and UnDelphiX components here!
OpenGL based 3D library for Delphi - talk about it here
All you need to know about the new Asphyre Component Pack, also all previous versions of PowerDraw
Cross platform development with header translations for SDL (Simple DirectMedia Library) and SDL 2
A 2D game library for cross-platform development.
A simple API for hardware accelerated 2D games and applications using Delphi or FreePascal/Lazarus
All topics related to the Prometheus game library for beginners to game programming.
Discuss topics relating to the ZenGL game library made for cross-platform development.
Talk about developing with the Elysion game framework.
Older or discontinued libraries and components
Post your comments and questions about the Project Omega Components here. Discontinued!
High-end graphics/game engine for 3D games development using OpenGL and SDL. (Formerly A3D nGine!)
Discuss anything related to XCESS here. All questions and comments are welcome. Discontinued!
Requests, bugs and other things about GLXTreem. Discontinued!
The Hadron Game Engine is feature complete and can easily create any type of 2D game with D3D for rendering. (Formerly PyroGine SDK which was formerly GameVision SDK!)