The Pascal Programming for Schools project has been mentioned previously here on PGD, but given the renewed interest in getting school children programming
If you're a site regular you will undoubtedly have seen the community project announcement that was made just over a week ago, if not, then read on for details of what will hopefully be the first of many community projects here at Pascal Game Development.
Jason McMillen and Paul Nichols representing Red Ant Games talk with Jim McKeeth on his Podcast at about their current projects including working with Oxygene for Java, developing for Android, and their plans to develop for the new OUYA gaming console. They also discuss their latest project and first commercial game, Subject 33.
It's been some time since I've done a site-wide community announcement, but I felt that I should say something to ring in the new year and let you all know that I'm still around and keeping an eye on things. In fact I've been working on a few things for the community that I'm sure will keep you excited about the coming year.
Are you a fan of the RSS news syndication feed? Well then you'll be happy to know that the Pascal Game Development community is now included in the Delphi Feeds syndicated news feeds. In fact this very news post is being fed to all subscribers of the RSS feed and of their Twitter followers as you read this.
Hello all! Thanks to the great work done by Christina Warne, aka AthenaOfDelphi, the nasty little hack that has plagued PGD for some time is now removed. Thus, we are no longer sullied by an add for some kind of random medications. Good riddance. As a follow-up to this little clean-up, we'll be doing another site software update in a short time from now.
Array of const is a great tool to write custom formatting / string concatenation functions. You put anything in square brackets, in any quantities, your
Reset ignored exceptions
Thread Starter: ThyandyrIf I ever click 'Ignore this type of exception', it seems forever to do that, regardless of closing the IDE.
Last Post By: salliborm12 Yesterday, 07:43 PMHow can I reset this?