We at Green Sauce Games are glad to announce the release of our second match-3 game, Heroes from the Past: Joan of Arc, released yesterday (February 26th) on Big Fish Games portal.
Druids: Battle Magic is a puzzle game by Seven Sails, published on Big Fish Games. It has been released for some time now, but finally it has made it's debut on the Mac thanks to Lazarus.
Sascha Willems has just released a new revision to his ongoing game project aptly called Projekt W in English. His strategy game or 4x game for those who prefer to call it that, is still under heavy development from this on-man developing powerhouse and it continually looking all the better for it as the months go by.
Red Ant Games announced this month that they will be focusing on Subject 33 for both Android devices and the new OUYA game console. Win/Mac/Lin to follow as well as iOS devices.
The game currently exists as an alpha prototype and will be ported to Oxygene for Java so that it may reach all of it's target platforms. A touch interface will be created for the mobile platforms and support for gamepads will be added.
Eric Behm of Magic Storm just announced that he and his partner in crime has finally released the sequel to Tomb Climber. The Tomb Climber series follows Dr. Smith on his platformer adventures going underground from tomb to tomb looking for lost treasure.
Clairvoyant: The Magician Mystery by Seven Sails Ltda, is available today on Big Fish Games. Windows and Mac versions are already available. iPhone and iPad versions will come to the iTunes App Store soon when they are finished.
Array of const is a great tool to write custom formatting / string concatenation functions. You put anything in square brackets, in any quantities, your
Reset ignored exceptions
Thread Starter: ThyandyrIf I ever click 'Ignore this type of exception', it seems forever to do that, regardless of closing the IDE.
Last Post By: salliborm12 Yesterday, 07:43 PMHow can I reset this?