The first of four competitions using the Smart Mobile Studio development tool by Optimale Systemer has begun. Smart (for short) will compile Object Pascal source into HTML 5 compatible JavaScript and HTML apps that you can deploy for any web browser or web-based mobile app.
RemObjects made an announcement today presenting some of whats new with Oxygene 5.2 and the brand new compiler codenamed "Nougat!" This is the next biggest thing to come from the same company that was the first to "get .NET right" after the other company tried for so many years. This new compiler will allow you to port your existing Oxygene projects to Mac and iOS!
Delphi XE3 is just over the horizon as Embarcadero has finally announced the World Tour dates and locations for their next major versions to all their developer tools. Focus seems to be on Windows 8's new UI look and feel and the next Fire Monkey and what it can do now. No word on Mac OS X or iOS and wither we will be seeing a native version for Mac users this year.
It seems that RemObjects Software has now declared Oxygene as it's own programming language. While those of you may debate what constitutes a programming
Well Embarcadero just made it official a few days ago that they were releasing Delphi XE 2 right away. You can now go to their online store and purchase a copy of the new cutting edge Delphi product. It's Professional version supports 32-bit & 64-bit Windows and cross-compiling to Mac OS X and iOS with the help of some other tools. It may not be everything the entire Delphi community has been asking for, but it's a huge step in
Well the cat, or monkey is finally out of the bag and everybody knows what is to come really soon for Delphi XE2. FireMonkey is the latest a greatest framework which everybody is talking
Array of const is a great tool to write custom formatting / string concatenation functions. You put anything in square brackets, in any quantities, your
Reset ignored exceptions
Thread Starter: ThyandyrIf I ever click 'Ignore this type of exception', it seems forever to do that, regardless of closing the IDE.
Last Post By: salliborm12 08-02-2025, 07:43 PMHow can I reset this?