Quote Originally Posted by BlueCat
Quote Originally Posted by savage
Glad to hear you have found it usefull.

Any chance of seeing a demo on Windows or Linux?
Yes, I'm planning on using SDL from now to develop my game and I'll upload a new demo in a couple of days to the usual address (the url for dgdev without the dgdev bit ).

I've had trouble with window resizing. Unfortunately my engine uses lots of display lists. I use SDL_SetVideoMode to resize the window (or switch to fullscreen) but in the process the OpenGL context is destroyed and a new one created. The problem is, this also destroys my display lists (which reside in an octree). It takes 20 seconds or so on my 1.2GHz machine to recreate the display lists, much longer on slower machines.

Does anyone know how I can change video modes without destroying the OpenGL context? I know that might be impossible, so if not any other tricks? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I will find out if there are any tricks that could speed this process up.