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Thread: noob question :P

  1. #1

    noob question :P

    How to make a image alpha blended ? i mean is there any function that allow me to set how much alpha i can add to a image ? i am trying to make a ops: silly effect using a background and some images to forge lights on / off. any ideas ?

    thx in advance
    :|: Furmiga :|:

  2. #2

    hummmmmm okie then

    i learned how to make a alpha by using the background as alpha using the VTDTool but can i create a rect then fill it with a alpha color ? like 0 to 255 of alpha ? can u guys help me ?
    :|: Furmiga :|:

  3. #3

    noob question :P

    did you mean

    PowerDraw1.FillRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,youralpha shl 24 + yourcolor,effectalpha);
    //for example blue rect
    PowerDraw1.FillRect(30,30,200,200,$80FF0000,effect alpha);


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