Excellent! I like where this project is going. Nice work Sascha.

You know what would be useful for most developers using OpenGL? knowing some informative stats that are pulled from all these reports. Maybe throw these on a single page that developers can see and get a good idea of where they stand with the majority of graphics hardware out there.

For example:

  • number of total reports (to know how many computers/users it has canvased so far)
  • average maximum texture size for all systems (total & hardware that's < 3 years old)
  • list of the most commonly accepted version standard within the last # years
  • Number of ATI users and number of nVidia users
  • Number and versions of each version of shaders

Any the like... just stats that will give all developers an idea of what is really out there for users hardware what what part of it they will be targeting with their choices of shaders, texture sizes and other specific feature choices a developer might have to make.

I think by doing that you'd be taking it to the next level from what Tom did with Delphi3D's GLinfo.