@Lifepower - Thank you very much for debating my points and you're quite right there are parts of the IDE that need some polish although I am suprised to hear you've experienced crashes during debugging, If you'll take my word for it I've not had an issue stepping through many lines of code and not experienced the behaviour you described.

If you've tried multiple builds and still experience that issue I just don't know what to say. Obviously you'd notice if your system was unstable in other ways. There's the outside possiblity that some memory masking rootkit/virus plauges some common link between your platforms or perhaps there's some bizzare in memory conflict with your antivirus or some other such thing, softice etc.

I must insist that you can debug without issue, perhaps someone else would be kind enough to validate.


I agree. There is not much innovation going on with Delphi's compiler when compared to FreePascal, which supported 64-bit and Mac OS since long time ago. I would actually like to see Delphi's integration with FPC even on Windows platform.
Even if it wasn't a complete replacement, it would be very nice to see support for switching between compilers although I suspect that they store very different forms of debug information in builds which may very well require quite a lot of work to intergrate into the Delphi environment (breakpoints, watches, decode views etc) although I might be wrong and they use somthing close to GDB.