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Thread: Manualy Alpha blending two colors

  1. #1

    Manualy Alpha blending two colors

    How to manualy calculate resulting color by Alphablending two existing colors?

  2. #2
    I have done something like this some days ago!

    This link help-me a lot!

    The formula I used was this one :

    outRGB = srcRGB * srcAlpha + destRGB * (1-srcAlpha)

  3. #3
    Do you have any source code? I have seen that article and tried to implement it on my own, but I don't seem to get it working right.

    Also I'm trying to implement seperate calculations for each color chanell (red, green, blue).

  4. #4
    That's what he meant i think. Try formula for each channel:
    outR := srcR * srcAlpha + destR * (1-srcAlpha);
    outG := srcG * srcAlpha + destG * (1-srcAlpha);
    outB := srcB * srcAlpha + destB * (1-srcAlpha);

  5. #5
    Actually, the simplest (and slightly faster) alpha-blending equation is:
     Dest.R = Src1.R  + (Src2.R - Src1.R) * Alpha;
     Dest.G = Src1.G  + (Src2.G - Src1.G) * Alpha;
     Dest.B = Src1.B  + (Src2.B - Src1.B) * Alpha;
    where Dest is the final color, Src1 and Src2 are the source colors with Alpha in [0..1] range.

  6. #6
    Thanks guys. That works like charm.


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