What exactly did you want to develop for though? You haven't specified a development platform or intended target platforms. Object Pascal development isn't as simple as it used to be 10 or even 5 years ago. There are lots and lots of platforms and a fair selection of compilers/IDE.

Well I would have said the first thing you need is a good IDE, but without Lazarus, it'll cost you. Not that other open source IDE based on Free Pascal are bad, but they aren't of the caliber of Lazarus. Lazarus is the only free option for a compiler/IDE combo that'll get you started and working without much effort to setup and it's probably the best option for using Free Pascal.

That said to get a good development environment, it's going to cost you some money to purchase. It will also depend on what platforms and technologies you want to make the games or tools for.

You can go the Delphi route which will let you do Windows 32 and 64 bit now and cross-platform onto a Mac, however that will take a bit more setup and you'll need both a Windows machine and a Mac. Also to do the other non-32-bit platforms you'll need to purchase a copy of professional. So the cheapest Delphi option is to just make games for Windows 32-bit. If you did get the professional version of Delphi XE 2 then you could also export your code as a Free Pascal project to be compiled for iOS, but you'd need a Mac running Xcode and have FPC and FPC templates for Xcode installed on it.

There is the option of purchasing either Prism for .NET or Oxygene for Java from RemObjects. Both compiler/IDE suites are based off of Microsoft's Visual Studio Shell and have the same syntax, but require the use of managed or interpreted code. If you don't mind that then they are both viable options.

Prism will allow you to make games for any .NET or Mono supported platforms and also allow the use of the XNA SDK which has it's own active community and enables you to put your games on XBox 360 as well.

Oxygene for Java will allow the same, but for Java run-time engine supported platforms. You could also put your games on an Android moblie system if you used this as well. The other option for Android being FPC/Lazarus. Unfortunately I don't think that Oxygene for Java has been released yet, but it may still be in beta so you could probably get onto their testing team for it. I'm sure they'd love to have a game developer testing it out and making cool demos for them to show off.

Those are the big name options right now. There are other IDEs, a whole exhausting list of them (just check out past PGD News postings to get info on more of them) and they are also good, but the top 4 are and for a while will be: Lazarus, Delphi, Prism, Oxygene for Java.