The truth behind it is that every distro was designed for a purpose - yes arch does many things very well, its just the easiest/best looking setup the world has seen, yes ubuntu is a fine all rounder, if you don't mind ugly unity and all that other bulk the developers have added without asking anybody (kind of defeats the point of linux), yes mint is more compatible with debian and does a lot of things well (I personally think it does everything the best but I'm trying to avoid a holy war) but its still bulky, has its glitches with some ubuntu stuff and I hate the default branding. Its not bad, its just good at a specific area.

Window 7 Start is a joke - you pay for windows but can only have 3 windows open, up to 2gib of RAM and basically nothing you would want... All in a lot of Gibs of installation files - something at a premium on eee PCs. God above, even the default DSL livecd is better (and more featured) than 7 starter plus it fits in 48megs!