Thnx for tips, I solved the problem by myself but those advices just could help me even more.
Now I am running 233 FPS in the same situation and that is agreeable. I can get even 700 fps when drawing only the landscape tiles so I guess, it is ok.

Where was the problem? Well, I admit that was kinda foolish mistake - I used ImageList Items as a single graphic objects. Then I accidentally draw the map only with 1 Image and got 250 fps... I was stunished and, after a while, modificated the tile engine so that it just draws patterns of images rather the images itself. It got less comfortable to design, but increase in perfomance is awsome. I think it has to do with optimal TextureSize maybe...Maybe some1 could explain? I know that in DirectX applications using one big bitmap (graphic source) is allways faster than lots of small ones, but in PD can I make the textures as big as I want? I know the optimal size is about 256X256, but how that could influence my perfomance? I will need to draw bigger images than that 256px, soon, and I'd like to keep perfomance as high as possible.