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Thread: D3DXFill2D for Filling a cubemap ?

  1. #11

    D3DXFill2D for Filling a cubemap ?

    Tssss.... :twisted:
    There are only 10 types of people in this world; those who understand binary and those who don't.

  2. #12

    D3DXFill2D for Filling a cubemap ?

    Thanks ! It works !

    Lova ya Clootie :lol:

  3. #13

    D3DXFill2D for Filling a cubemap ?

    Hum, just a stupid question but.

    Can a stdcall raise a Violation exception ?

    I just put the code in the init of my app (It wasn't there before), and it crashes during a simple affectation (external to the function D3DXFillCubeTexture) but only if I have D3DXFillCubeTexture called before ...

    Strange isn't it ? Or did I miss (once again) something ?

  4. #14

    D3DXFill2D for Filling a cubemap ?

    Yes, calling convention can affect your stack, so just calling function with wrong calling conventions can make your app behave like a crazy!

    I don't know about your code, but this one is working correctly:
    TD3DXFill3D = procedure (out pOut: TD3DXVector4; const pTexCoord, pTexelSize: TD3DXVector3; var pData); stdcall;

    function D3DXFillCubeTexture(
    pCubeTexture: IDirect3DCubeTexture9;
    pFunction: TD3DXFill3D;
    pData: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; external d3dx9texDLL;

    procedure MineFillNormalizeCubeMap(out pOut: TD3DXVector4; const pTexCoord, pTexelSize: TD3DXVector3; var pData); stdcall;
    v: TD3DXVector3;
    v.x:= Abs(v.x); v.y:= Abs(v.y); v.z:= Abs(v.z);
    D3DXVec3Normalize(v, pTexCoord);
    pOut:= D3DXVector4(v, 1);

    function CMyD3DApplication.InitDeviceObjects:HRESULT;
    // Initialize the font's internal textures

    // Cube map texture creation
    D3DXCreateCubeTexture(m_pd3dDevice, 128, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, fCubeTexture);
    D3DXFillCubeTexture(fCubeTexture, MineFillNormalizeCubeMap, nil);
    D3DXSaveTextureToFile('', D3DXIFF_DDS, fCubeTexture, nil);

    Result:= S_OK;
    There are only 10 types of people in this world; those who understand binary and those who don't.

  5. #15

    D3DXFill2D for Filling a cubemap ?

    ok Thanks a lot !

    It's nearly working But now I have to fix my shaders !

  6. #16

    D3DXFill2D for Filling a cubemap ?

    OK, final Delphi headers for DirectX 9 SDK Summer 2003 are out!
    They contain fixes mentioned above and some others.

    Also some additional samples are posted at:
    There are only 10 types of people in this world; those who understand binary and those who don't.

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