{Syntax Highlighting}
Procedure TForm.ButtonClick(Sender TObject);
Number: Integer;
Number := 123456;
Caption := 'The number is: ' + IntToStr(Number);

Thanks Cat, that's cool it's now customizable.

iLLUNIs, the poll is for the default... I was trying to get everyone's input on it's readability and just offered some alternatives pending my own preferences. Free freel to conitnue the poll while it's open and submit other suggestions for the deafult setup if you like, but now that we can customize the highlighting I can insure, at least with the code I post, that I won't have to sqwint at the screen to while trying to read it.

Obviously we'd never find a single setup that satisfies everyone, but I figured taking the entire forum's input we'd at least get a rounded idea of what people like and dislike (and could mold something from that). Too bad only 15% of the members choose to take part in the democractic process.

P.S. did anyone know we have over 30 members who have never posted.