High folks,

I am just programming a game with my friend and I decided to use DelphiX for programming.

I do the programming and my friend does graphics and sound.

The game itself will be something never seen in the shelves. It's no shooter, no strategic game, no adventure, no roleplaying game.

Maybe I will tell you more about it later. But first I'd like to see if this forum is still alive, and if we could help each other.

The project we are on is meant to become something real professional, so I want to do my job as good as I can.

So my question here is: Is there anyone who is really fit in DelphiX/DirectX?

Another intention of me is to put my experiences here in the forum. Anything new I discover will be posted here, tricks, hints, functions, samples, effects etc. But I need some people to share and trade experiences.

If anyone is interested in all this, post a reply.

