I download new header from http://clootie.narod.ru/delphi/download_dx92.html in last night. Are there same header?
nope, CVS should have updated version (labeled as 1.2)

Sorry, I don't have any force feedback joysticks, so can't test your program.

To be sure you compiling to correct code, just edit your existent DirectInput.pas so it will look like this: [pascal][background=#FFFFFF][normal=#000000][number=#0000FF][string=#0000FF][comment=#248F24][reserved=#000000] DIEFFECT = packed record
dwSize: DWORD; (* sizeof(DIEFFECT) *)
dwFlags: DWORD; (* DIEFF_* *)
dwDuration: DWORD; (* Microseconds *)
dwSamplePeriod: DWORD; (* Microseconds *)
dwGain: DWORD;
dwTriggerButton: DWORD; (* or DIEB_NOTRIGGER *)
dwTriggerRepeatInterval: DWORD; (* Microseconds *)
cAxes: DWORD; (* Number of axes *)
rgdwAxes: PDWORD; (* Array of axes *)
rglDirection: PLongint; (* Array of directions *)
lpEnvelope: PDIEnvelope; (* Optional *)
cbTypeSpecificParams: DWORD; (* Size of params *)
lpvTypeSpecificParams: Pointer; (* Pointer to params *)
dwStartDelay: DWORD; (* Microseconds *)
//{$ENDIF} (* DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0600 *)

PS. "DIEFFECT structor" -> "DIEFFECT structure"?