Quote Originally Posted by Useless Hacker
I made a couple of simple applications in GLXtreem and in Omega. They basically drew a 256x256 image 100 times at random positions on a 640x480x32bit window, and print the FPS. With the Omega version I got ~80FPS and with the GLXtreem only ~40FPS. Unless GLXtreem speeds up I guess I shall have to go with Omega.
The reason for this is that GLX uses Quads in OrthoMode when drawing 2D images, omega, i guess uses BitBlt. This means, that the images in glx wery easilly can be blended with the rest of the scene, remember that glx is a 3D libary with 2D support.

In 3D rendering there'll be a diference in the results.

The GLXImageList.Items.Draw is not an very fast method, it binds the texture every time it's called, if drawing the same texture many times its better to use GLXDraw.Begin2D, GLXImageList.Items.Bind and GLXDraw.Primitives.Rectangle.