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Thread: How to add images to VTD ?

  1. #1

    How to add images to VTD ?

    I want to add all images I use in my game to a VTD-File.
    In PowerDraw3 I used the folloing:
    [pascal]m_oImageList.Image[strShortName].GetAGFData(p, iSize);
    m_oVTD.WriteRecordEx(strShortName, p, iSize, recAGFImage);
    In the new version I didnt find a funtion to do this. Can someone tell me a way how I can save the images ?
    The problem is I use more than 50 images and it's too much work to add them manually with the VTD-Tool because I often change them.

  2. #2

    How to add images to VTD ?

    I actually didn't think that this function was of any use - that's why it's missing in the new version (I'll try to add it though - final release is coming soon, only Asphyre manual is incomplete and is under development right now).

    Meanwhile, here's a rough example of adding gfx to VTDb manually:

    [pascal]procedure AddNewImageToVTDb();
    InPSize, OutPSize,
    TextureSize: TPoint;
    PInRow, PInCol,
    ImgInRow, ImgInCol, ImgInTex,
    TextureCount, PatternCount,
    Res, i: Integer;

    FinalBmp: TBitmapEx;

    Stream: TStream;
    Data: Pointer;
    DataSize: Cardinal;
    OutFormat: TColorBits;
    // 1. load graphics files
    Bitmap:= TBitmapEx.Create();
    FinalBmp:= TBItmapEx.Create();
    FinalBmp.PixelFormat:= pf32bit;
    Bitmap.LoadFromFile('Source Bitmap.bmp', btAuto);
    MessageDlg('Error loading gfx files!', mtError, [mbOk], 0);

    // 2. calculate pattern count and patterns per line
    PInRow:= Bitmap.Width div InPSize.X;
    PInCol:= Bitmap.Height div InPSize.Y;
    PatternCount:= PInRow * PInCol;

    // 3. calculate image counts in destionation
    ImgInRow:= TextureSize.X div OutPSize.X;
    ImgInCol:= TextureSize.Y div OutPSize.Y;
    ImgInTex:= ImgInRow * ImgInCol;
    TextureCount:= Ceil(PatternCount / ImgInTex);

    // 4. create destination memory stream
    Stream:= TMemoryStream.Create();

    // 5. write gfx info
    Stream.Write(OutFormat, SizeOf(TColorBits));
    Stream.Write(OutPSize, SizeOf(TPoint));
    Stream.Write(PatternSize, SizeOf(TPoint));
    Stream.Write(PatternCount, SizeOf(Integer));
    Stream.Write(TextureSize, SizeOf(TPoint));
    Stream.Write(TextureCount, SizeOf(Integer));

    // 6. tile patterns
    Bitmap.TileOnBmp(FinalBmp, nil, TextureSize, InPSize, OutPSize, PatternSize, taSource, 0, 0);

    // 7. allocate memory for stream write
    DataSize:= TextureSize.X * ColorFmtBytes(OutFormat);
    Data:= AllocMem(DataSize);

    // 8. stream data
    for i:= 0 to FinalBmp.Height - 1 do
    AsphyreSys.LineConv(FinalBmp.ScanLine[i], Data, TextureSize.X, COLOR_A8R8G8B8, OutFormat);
    Stream.Write(Data^, DataSize);

    // 9. release the memory and the bitmaps

    // 10. write encoded data to VTDb
    Stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
    Res:= VTDb.WriteStream('VTDb Record Key', Stream, recGraphics);
    if (Res <> errNone) then
    MessageDlg('VTDb error: ' + ErrorString(Res), mtError, [mbOk], 0);

    // 11. release the stream

    This code contains few parts from VTDbTool sources. It basically shows the structure "recGraphics" record uses to illustrate how to add images to VTDb manually.

  3. #3

    How to add images to VTD ?

    Thank you very much !
    Now the whole engine works and it's very fast! Good work, Lifepower!


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