Hello again,

I'm driving mad with this problem.

I am wondering if I have overseen something, so could you please post a snap of code how to use Pixels-function?

Found out something more...

The systems does NOT crash when I define a TAsphyreImage2, load a bitmap from file (not from vtdb into imagelist) and then try to access a single pixel. This works!

In my point of view the problem could be here:

TAsphyreImages is a list of TAsphyreImage. In declaration of TAsphyreImage the functions GetPixel, SetPixel etc are abstract, which means they will be implemented first time in TAsphyreImage2.
So the visual component on my form uses property Pixels from TAsphyreImage, which tries to call functions which are not implemented in this class. Is this the problem?

But if so, why does it work on your system??