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Thread: Pre April 2014 - Welcome to PGD! Make your first post here....

  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by Bijo View Post
    Now, I've been going through the forum and have been using a search engine, but I cannot find any link nor information about available books on programming with FreePascal and SDL. Aren't there any books available, preferrably good books to be recommended?
    I don't think there are any books about using SDL with FreePascal but I may be wrong. The closest thing to that is FreePascal meets SDL webpage wich contains quite a few tutorials on how to use SDL with FPC. You can find page here:

    There are SDL 2.0 headers in making for pascal. You can read more on this here:

    The reason why you probably didn't find much on SDL using serch function of PGD site is becouse search function threats SDL as to short word and doesn't even include it as search keyword.
    Luckily the talk about SDL 2.0 headers happened recently so I could have finded that thread manualy for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bijo View Post
    What I mean is that, among other important things, they also teach you how to be creative in programming and how to think like a programmer to solve certain problems.
    Such books usually doesn't focus on using specific graphic engine but on general game development. But it is hard to find any general book as it laregly depends on what you want to achieve.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bijo View Post
    Also, if one uses a 64-bits version of Windows, what exact SDL.dll should be used?
    SDL.dll file versionm isn't dependant on wheter Windows is 32 bit or 64 bit but on your aplication. If you compile your game with 64 bit compiler you would need to use 64 bit version of SDL.dll and if you compile your game using 32 bit compiler you would have to use 32 bit version of SDL.dll

    NOTE: 32 bit applications always use 32 bit dynamical libraries (dll-s) and 64 bit applications always use 64 bit dynamical libraries. This is necessary becouse of difference in pointers between 32 bit and 64 bit applications as wel as becouse of difference in instance handling and memory handling between 32 bit and 64 bit applications. You can always run 32 bit applications on 64 bit Windows (32 bit compatibility mode) but you can not run 64 bit application on 32 bit Windows.

    BTW Welcome back!

  2. #242
    Also I think turning c/c++ examples into Pascal ones is easy if you remember few things:

    - int - Integer, bool - boolean.
    - Declaring all names in C/C++ code in var section and change all in-code declaration into assignments.
    - Also you should remember of any of function name differences between C/C++ library you're using and pascal headers for it. Can't speak on SDL, but in case of Allegro and Allegro.pas in latter all functions/variables/procedures names start with al_ prefix, probably because we already have things like readkey, keypressed, etc.

  3. #243
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkhog View Post
    Can't speak on SDL, but in case of Allegro and Allegro.pas in latter all functions/variables/procedures names start with al_ prefix, probably because we already have things like readkey, keypressed, etc.
    I belive AL_ prefix was chosen by Nüno Martínez itself to distinguish which functions originate from allegro.pas and which from other parts of code.
    If you take a look at other libraries almost all of them use specific prefixes for the same reson.

  4. #244
    Thanks for the welcome, information and advice.

  5. #245

    I'm a Delphi Dev and I would say thanks to Athena for my account

  6. #246
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    Hey and welcome to PGD!
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  7. #247
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LinSoraK View Post

    I'm a Delphi Dev and I would say thanks to Athena for my account
    You are most welcome. Welcome to PGD
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  8. #248
    Junior Member Delphius's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    Salta, Argentina
    Hello to all the community PGD!

    First of all, I want to thank a AthenaOfDelph for helping me in my registration.
    I am new to PGD and I hope to learn and work with you in what I allow my knowledge.

    I have some experience (not too much, not too little) in the world of Delphi, but in develop video games I'm blanking.
    For years in my head I have ideas for a game, although I have not yet been able to shape and join them. And I me said that it is time to start down to earth and materialize. So that's why I'm here! Martinez Ñuño sometimes spoke me of this community; maybe know him.

    My intention is to use Lazarus / Free Pascal under Linux, because my economy does not allow me to go for the new versions of Delphi and I want to give you a very good opportunity to Lazarus and Linux. Maybe not be the best choice but I expect who I not have too much difficulties.

    Hopefully what I learn here could lead me to consider myself a Indie Developer, it will be a long way to go. I have no hurry, step by step.

    Sorry for my bad English, I'm Argentinian. Despite having studied English is hard to me speaking and translate.


  9. #249
    Welcome LinSoraK and Delphius to PGD...I hope you find out all you want during your stay here


  10. #250
    Russian programmer who makes games on the FPC.

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