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Thread: Making a function return anything... or something like that.

  1. #1

    Making a function return anything... or something like that.

    Using FPC 2.7.1

    Ok, I've got a base class with a function definition like this:

    TBase = class
      class function Foo(Args: array of const) : TVarRec; virtual;
    Now imagine there are several classes inheriting TBase...

    TClassA = class(TBase)...
    TClassB = class(TBase)...
    TClassC = class(TBase)...
    class function TClassA.Foo(Args: array of const) : TVarRec;
      TSomeObject(Args[0].VObject).DoSomeThingCoolToThisObject; // Args[0] is an object
      Result := Args[0];
    class function TClassB.Foo(Args: array of const) : TVarRec;
      int: Integer;
      int := Args[0].VInteger; // Args[0] is an integer
      Result := Args[0]
    class function TClassC.Foo(Args: array of const) : TVarRec;
      TSomeObject(Args[0].VObject).DoSomeThing(Args[1].VInteger); //Args[0] is an object - Args[1] is an integer
    The idea is that these functions can be called using the other functions (their results) as arguments. E.g.

    TClassC.Foo(TClassA.Foo(TSomeObject).VObject, TClassB.Foo(1337).VInteger);
    This works fine but I think it is a but ugly that I have to specify which type is returned every time. It would be nicer if I could call the functions like this:

    TClassC.Foo(TClassA.Foo(TSomeObject), TClassB.Foo(1337));
    Does anyone know if there is a way to achieve this? The classes must derive from TBase which defines a function that can take anything as arguments and return something. Is it possible or does it contradict too much with the type system?
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  2. #2
    Not sure if it will work in your case, but may be you can use the DEFAULT property modifier.
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