Hello everyone!

I used to dread posting these topics as it always seemed as if I were begging people to come to the site and post. However other than simply asking other PGD members to start posting what they are doing or being more active, I'm going to try something a little different.

What this community needs is new members and more exposure. That is something that has faded due to other outlets changing over the years. Many of the old Pascal development related sites have shut down and there is no longer Object Pascal forum on GameDev.net. Embarcadero, much like Borland seems to appeal more to big business than the small indie developers and many of the old developers have moved on to other things or away from software and game development altogether.

So where does this leave us? Well first of all, since we have lost a lot of our visibility we need to get some of that back. We can do that a couple of ways. Posting on other game dev forums can help increase awareness of what the top Pascal-based tools are capable of. Posting links back to PGD would certainly help expose to others what exciting things are being done within the community. Creating websites or pages dedicated to your game projects is another way of helping show that Pascal is used often as well.

A new medium that can now easily take advantage of is many of these social networks such as, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google+ among others also available. I'm not saying go nuts, but signing up for one or two and making posts showing off what our favorite tools can do is sometime more than enough to get attention. Especially with a social network as eye-catching as YouTube. Reference Darthman's showcases of the cool Russian IGDC competitions.

These are some ideas to expose Pascal game development that would allow others to see all the great ideas going on in the community. One of the key things however to increase traffic here though, is to post a thread and a link on those other external posting back to here. This site is meant to be a central place for all Pascal programmers to come and congregate and get ideas and increase their knowledge in programming and game development from other Pascal game programmers and developers.

This place has so much to offer everyone, but we need to be known. So go out there are tell everyone about us!